Do you ever get mail for the people that used to live in your house? The occasional letter, bill or in my case the Harvard Business School Alumni magazine. Full of MBA wisdom, I feel like a total imposter reading it every month but it’s like a free version of the ridiculously expensive HBR so I’m definitely not going to cancel the subscription. In this month’s issue is a book review on ‘Strategy Rules: Five Timeless Lessons From Bill Gates, Andy Grove and Steve Jobs’ consistently executing strategy is a challenge for every entrepreneur so I immediately ordered the book and now I’m half way through I wanted to share the five rules of strategy the authors say the holy trio mastered…
1) Look forward, reason back.
Figure out where you want to be in fie years, then reason back to identify steps to get you there.
2) Make big bets, without betting the company.
Be bold, for the big wins, but not in a reckless way.
3) Build platforms and ecosystems- not just products.
Create a network that brings together powerful partners engaged in complementary product and service innovation.
4) Exploit leverage and power
If you have it, use your large size to advantage, but also be smarter and more agile than your opponents.
5) Shape the organization around your personal anchor.
These were not well-rounded executives, but each played to their own strengths and hire to fill her weaknesses. Jobs for example , was passionate about product design, so that is where he focused much of his efforts.