Entries Tagged as 'Diet & Fitness'

January Detox


So it’s mid January…how’s everyone doing with their detox? Are you surviving Atkins, Dukan, Paleo?! Well you better be because Fashion Week is in less than 2 week so you better loose 5 pounds NOW!!! JK.

A few people have asked recently what I do to keep fit so here is my fitness lowdown! Modeling introduced me to a variety of weird quick weight loss fixes, diets and just general bizarre ways of eating, none of which I would recommend! And apart from a 3 day juice cleanse I went on once, which was more a test of willpower than weight loss, I like to stick to a simple balanced routine.

EATING: 3 balanced meals a day with fruit, coffee, nuts/protein sources in between. I save carbs for dinner.

BREAKFAST: FRUIT, YOGHURT, TEA (Raouls off Westbourne Grove does the ULTIMATE fruit and yoghurt dish)

LUNCH: TUNA SALAD (The GLAMOUR Mag girls introduced me to Bond & Brook at Fenwick on Bond St which does a great tuna salad. The Pierre Salad at Sketch on Conduit St is also delicious)

SNACKS: Im really addicted to these Bounce Balls. Skinny extra hot lattes. Tyrell’s Beetroot Crisps. FroYo, I always have a tub of YOOMOO in my freezer.



DINNER: TERIYAKI SALMON, BROWN RICE AND BROCCOLI. ( I love Japanese and Korean Food. For a casual luncheon I head to KimChee, Itsu or Eat Tokyo, for dinner SakeNoHana or my favourite- Bob Bob Ricard)

Yes carbs are the enemy etc but I mean carbs are great right? So don’t be mean and exclude them from your diet- well exclude the white bread etc but totally invite brown rice, oats, quinoa, buckwheat to join your plate party. (Otherwise your going to end up committing Carbicide)

 And Remember….

EXERCISE: I walk everywhere, often clocking up 5-6 miles a day running between my office and meetings, but I always try and exercise for at least 45 minutes 4 times a week. A trainer once told me to make sure your body doesn’t get stuck in a routine, so where I used to just hit the cross trainer 4 times a week I now mix it up with swimming and spin classes. I work out in Nike Gear their trainers are the best. Click to Shop Nike! 


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