Entries Tagged as 'Amber Recommends'

Music For Monday


HAIM – Falling (Duke Dumont Remix)

Still crushing on girl band HAIM in a major way- love this Duke Dumont remix. Just found out they’ll be supporting my teen dream band The Killers AND Frank Ocean over in Dublin on 13th July– back to Ireland it is then! Have a great week everyone- store up those easter eggs and don’t forget to enter our jewellery competition!   
♥1) KENZO Orange Ombre Jumper 2) ROSEGOLD Zack High Heel Sandals ♥

To Sell is Human


I picked up Dan Pink’s new book To Sell Is Human, on my way to Hong Kong last month and I have not been able to put it down. Offering a compelling new perspective on everyone’s role in ‘moving people’ there are some great insights and tips in here not only for business owners and start ups but employees.  According to his research, people spend 40% of their time in non sales selling, convincing people to part with resources, to agree to deals, to commit. Often Its not the actual sale of an object but more a trade or persuasding someone else to agree with your objective.   When selling yourself, talk about potential, not accomplishment, boasting is not a successful quality but inviting someone on a journey of opportunity is..more tips from the book below!


To gain another’s perspective, give up some of your power.

Trying to persuade someone is an incredibly complex interaction, and a lot of it hinges on being able to take their point of view. When you understand where somebody’s coming from, you do a much better job of responding to their concerns and anticipating problems. Researchers have found that when people are encouraged to feel powerful, they’re much worse at taking others’ perspectives.

See rejection as specific and temporary, rather than as a personal attack.

“Explanatory style,” or how you talk about failure and setbacks to yourself, has a huge impact on success. Sales and the workplace involve daily rejection—of pitches, of ideas and so on. People that have optimistic styles, who know that most failures come down to circumstances and specific, correctable errors are much better at sales.


Offer a few compelling choices instead of a massive array of them.

In a world that can feel like it has an overwhelming array of choices and information, taking some of it away can be a powerful tool. Researchers find that while more people may go somewhere with a massive array of choices, they actually buy much more from a small, curated selection.


Fortnum and Mason Jewellery Room Launch


To Fortnum & Mason last night for the launch of their new jewellery room. This Piccadilly icon is simply THE most elegant department store in the world, and so it was only fitting that they house a room full London’s most elegant jewellery and iconic designers!

However do not let the notion of elegance delude your preconceptions of the jewellery on offer here! For it is only the most sleekest, sexiest and fashionable designs you will find nestled inside the glass cabinets. From Mawi, to BexRox, Susan Caplan Vintage and of course two of my favourite MYFLASHTRASH.COM designers, Catherine Zoraida and Tomasz Donocik. ‘I see you’ve spotted our Rocks Bar!’ the enigmatic CEO Ewan Venters mentioned to me, as I had of course found myself drawn to to the classy little corner bar where one can slip down a tequila on the rocks as you slip on some rocks. A wonderful little touch to make for all the more of a seductive shopping experience! Now if the diamonds don’t tempt you that surely will. See you there!

The Most Decadent Easter Egg


The Classic Ostrich Easter Egg

I have a secret…I have to admit.. I find it impossible to wait for ‘the occasion’ to eat ‘occasion chocolates’ whether its a cheeky advent calendar door, a valentines caramel heart or in this case a little mini Chocolate easter egg. It happened very spontaneously, exhausted and excited after a long meeting at Google I found myself next to Hotel Du Chocolat in Covent Garden. *Gulp* Of course like Oscar Wilde, I can resist everything but temptation, so in I went and out I came with a dainty little pack of eggs, perfect for a little Wednesday afternoon treat!  Of course what I really wanted was The Classic Ostrich Easter Egg £70 (above) but gluttony is a sin etc. Founded by  Angus Thirlwell ( who I interviewed a few years ago) HDC is alongside Prestat my favourite chocolate company.


 The Easter Collection

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