Entries Tagged as 'Designer jewellery'

‘You want to rob banks?’- Yolanda, Pulp Fiction


luxury-andfashion:Promo to 39k+ here. :)


 Triceratops Dinosaur Ring

Catherine Zoraida Dinner


Amber Atherton & Caroline Issa

Last night on a secluded leafy green lane in the heart of south kensington, a wonderful fashion crowd assembled to celebrate @MYFLASHTRASH jewellery designer Catherine Zoraida.    

Columbian born and brought up in Scotland, Catherine’s incredibly intricate hand made designs have a loyal fashion fan base and are quite simply the most beautiful pieces of treasure one could ever wish to own.

Dragonfly Bracelet  Ash Leaf & Aventurine EarringsSeahorse Pendant

Who Came: The Tatler Girls @Pips_Durell and @Felcity_Kay, Glamour’s ever Glam @PhilippaMorganW my new DJ partner the actress @Olivia_Grant1, Presenter and Puppy Pal @TheWhitmore, Stylist of dreams @AimeeCroysdill and hot new singer/ hat wearer Yadi.


What We Ate:  Obika is the Mozarella Palace. antipasti boards, pasta the best pizza in town! And lots of lychees ( which started out as table decoration but didnt last long after 3 bottles of red.)

What was worn: Everyone hopfooted from the office so it was a casual affair, Catherine rocked the Isabel Marant trainers that EVERRRRYONE wants, whilst Laura Whitmore turned up on a motorbike in leather hotpants because shes cool like that and Olivia was a dream in white. I opted for my go to Brick Lane based shop The Lazy Ones & new season Warehouse!

SO that was last night’s adventures! Check out instagram @myflashtrash for more! As for tonight I think I….

Prada. Making Chess Cool again!


 Yes thank you Miuccia! Prada’s Fall 2012 Campaign is not only amazing but a sure sign that Chess is totally coming back. So nows a good a time as any to admit it……Yes I was in chess club and yes I’m going to find my ‘1999 Winner’ key ring and put it on this bag (below)! & I may also wear these earrings. Then I’ll start a #ChicChessClub where we can all wear Prada, drink martinis and tweet each other #checkmate. Happy days.




1910 – Nathaniel Baldwin began manufacturing the first modern headphones. He crafted them in his kitchen and sold them all to the U.S. Navy. This was the first time a pair of cans resembled something you’d see today

1937 – The DT-48’s from Beyerdynamic became the first dynamic headphones to hit the market. 

DJ’ing Tech is Great Tech City @SiliconDrinkabt Event!  Wearing @Twenty8Twelve  S/S’12. Necklace Silver Service @MYFLASHTRASH

READ ON… The History of  Headphones | Cool Material

The History of Headphones

2012 – Headphones have become as much about style as they are sound quality. This may never have been more relevant than when Lil Wayne wore these $1 million dollar pair of Beats.

My Beats! GoGetchaSome >>> HERE

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