There are 59, 289, 644 wordpress sites in the world, the popular blogging platform is a host not only for fashion bloggers but burgeoning e-commerce companies and is in fact where MYFLASHTRASH.COM started in 2008. Flash forward to 2012 and a clear shift is emerging between new bloggers and established bloggers the latter of which have built loyal fanbases and continue to drive traffic (more than magazines) to online retailers. The logical step forward is for them to open a shop. Converting readers into customers, and their blog into a brand that functions not only through collaborations ( e.g. Man Repeller Dannijo Range below) but through stand alone products such as Peony Lim’s smocks (below)
At Tedx in Orange County earlier this year one alliteration stood out on repeat; The ‘Maker Movement’ is here spearheaded by Etsy and Pintrest DIY posts, there is equal opportunity now for bloggers that hand make and sell, and those who whole sale buy and brand a product (e.g. RduJour’s Store below)
Which blogger would you like to have a store and would you rather shop there than a high street multiple? Comment Below.