Men’s Collections & Graduate Fashion Week



Amber Artherton arrives for the Esquire, Mr Porter, Jimmy Choo party as part of The Men London Collections at Corinthia Hotel London on June 15, 2012 in London, England.

To The Corinthia last week for the Esquire x Mr Porter x Jimmy Choo party to celebrate the London Collections. Industrial strength cocktails were served as Alexa Chung DJ’d. After some tech talk with David Gandy ( not just a handsome man!) and ‘ghetto’ dancing with Tali Lennox full force 3 piece suit envy ensued. Yes my Dress by Under.Ligne at Oxygen Boutique (who also stock our Jewellery in Store and ONLINE! ) was simply divine, but I was left pining for tailoring and a waist coat and a cane and cigar. The next party I host all the women shall dress immaculately as men. I will wear Tom Ford and drink Whiskey Sours.

Topaz Yellow Crystal RingDraped Dress In GreenBaby Pink Crystal Ring


dsquared7 Daphne Groeneveld, Bette Franke & Frida Aasen Go Back to School for DSquared2s Fall 2012 Campaign by Mert & MarcusOh Hello DSquared A/W’12 Campaign shot by Mert&Marcus♥

Was fantastic to be at Graduate Fashion Week, although one needed stamina for a non-stop 20+ designer show, the innovation and level of quality was outstanding. My particular favourite was Amelia Smith ( Above) .Pure Tsar esq decadance, I just want to be in Russia in the snow walking around in that cape.

LANC_2012_BA_1204 XiaoPing Huang’s Jack in the Box Couture was interesting. Structured, Architectural but with a bold playful edge will be interesting to see how quickly the high st adapts this. XXXO♥

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