To The Corinthia last week for the Esquire x Mr Porter x Jimmy Choo party to celebrate the London Collections. Industrial strength cocktails were served as Alexa Chung DJ’d. After some tech talk with David Gandy ( not just a handsome man!) and ‘ghetto’ dancing with Tali Lennox full force 3 piece suit envy ensued. Yes my Dress by Under.Ligne at Oxygen Boutique (who also stock our Jewellery in Store and ONLINE! ) was simply divine, but I was left pining for tailoring and a waist coat and a cane and cigar. The next party I host all the women shall dress immaculately as men. I will wear Tom Ford and drink Whiskey Sours.
Oh Hello DSquared A/W’12 Campaign shot by Mert&Marcus♥
Was fantastic to be at Graduate Fashion Week, although one needed stamina for a non-stop 20+ designer show, the innovation and level of quality was outstanding. My particular favourite was Amelia Smith ( Above) .Pure Tsar esq decadance, I just want to be in Russia in the snow walking around in that cape.
XiaoPing Huang’s Jack in the Box Couture was interesting. Structured, Architectural but with a bold playful edge will be interesting to see how quickly the high st adapts this. XXXO♥