Tech Thoughts



1.  Love this Instagram Parody  Video


 2) Are we always going to be dependant on Google for every search?

Localised and content specific Search Engines are making their rise, will Google follow and create spin offs? Google-Fash Search Google-Jewel? Google-DIY?  Michael “Bing” Yingling is a big Calvin and Hobbes fan, so much so that he has built his very own Calvin and Hobbes Search Engine. Would you use a content specific search engine?

 3) Edward Norton’s Crowdfunding Platform – Crowd Rise is re-branding charity  

‘There’s no reason that humor should exist everywhere except philanthropy. I think people like our voice because it’s authentic. We believe giving should be easy and fun. People like engaging with something that is real, not some generic text. Also, the incentives to donate can be really silly and nonsensical. We’ve found the more off the wall the incentives, the higher the engagement. It’s more interesting to email your friends and say, “donate $25 to my fundraiser and you’ll be signed up to win a bag of combs,” than it is to tell them they could win a gift certificate.’- Via FAST COMPANY 

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