To Marylebone last night where Fresh cosmetics hosted an intimate soiree to celebrate the 15th anniversary of it’s rose facemask. I’ve always been interested in this beauty brand, namely because I somehow left a house party in LA with one of their famous oval soaps in my bag, so it was simply a matter of time before the stars aligned and we mysteriously connected again in a candle filled courtyard. The setting for dinner was enough to make any pinterest girl drool, roses everywhere, on radiators the ceiling, the photo board..kind of wanted to have an american beauty moment photo.

Rose champagne in hand @bertiebrandes and I made our way to see @phoebetbc DJ at possibly the world’s smallest DJ plinth. Fresh has pioneered the use of many natural ingredients in the beauty industry, most notably sugar and it all feels like a very sensual apothecary vibe which is exactly how it started in Boston in 1991. I’m a huge jasmine fan and their fragrance (below) is really long lasting, I’m also a fan of their dry rice body oil and sugar lychee body lotion. You’ll basically smell like Bali and smelling like a small Indonesian island is not a bad thing. What are your favourite Fresh products? Comment below