Old Spice, Meet The Wolfdog



Old Spice’s latest commercial for its Wild Collection features a wolf dog as a marketing director. In addition to one of their usual viral edged videos they’ve accompanied this campaign with a Tumblr that looks like a xanga site I had when I was 9. Full of weird GIFs and a textured background.

 How have Wielden + Kennedy ( The firm behind the ads) created yet another succesful campaign? By creating another character like Isaiha that personifies the brand in a humourous ( * internet success key atribute) and ridiculous way, a character that directly engages with the audience responding to their questions with not only replies but videos! Not only that, the audience WANTS to engage and post messages back, appealing to everyone’s inner actor- in fact according to Visible Measures, “Old Spice Responses” is one of the fastest-growing online video campaigns of all time. Taking an Anchorman style production that people enjoy watching and quoting and taking that to the next level with social media and products? Now that, in wolfdog’s words, is a smart decision.

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