Entries Tagged as 'Tech Thoughts'

To Sell is Human


I picked up Dan Pink’s new book To Sell Is Human, on my way to Hong Kong last month and I have not been able to put it down. Offering a compelling new perspective on everyone’s role in ‘moving people’ there are some great insights and tips in here not only for business owners and start ups but employees.  According to his research, people spend 40% of their time in non sales selling, convincing people to part with resources, to agree to deals, to commit. Often Its not the actual sale of an object but more a trade or persuasding someone else to agree with your objective.   When selling yourself, talk about potential, not accomplishment, boasting is not a successful quality but inviting someone on a journey of opportunity is..more tips from the book below!


To gain another’s perspective, give up some of your power.

Trying to persuade someone is an incredibly complex interaction, and a lot of it hinges on being able to take their point of view. When you understand where somebody’s coming from, you do a much better job of responding to their concerns and anticipating problems. Researchers have found that when people are encouraged to feel powerful, they’re much worse at taking others’ perspectives.

See rejection as specific and temporary, rather than as a personal attack.

“Explanatory style,” or how you talk about failure and setbacks to yourself, has a huge impact on success. Sales and the workplace involve daily rejection—of pitches, of ideas and so on. People that have optimistic styles, who know that most failures come down to circumstances and specific, correctable errors are much better at sales.


Offer a few compelling choices instead of a massive array of them.

In a world that can feel like it has an overwhelming array of choices and information, taking some of it away can be a powerful tool. Researchers find that while more people may go somewhere with a massive array of choices, they actually buy much more from a small, curated selection.


What is a Bitcoin?


If you, like me read or watch the news, you may be aware of the trend for localised currencies. From the Brixton pound to the Kenyan mpesa and Uruguay’s charrua (a digital currency aimed at businesses, which runs in tandem with the Uruguayan peso) however what about an international digital currency that is not underwritten by any government? Enter the bitcoin.

What started out in 2010 as an underground currency for grey-market activities, has since grown to a $400 million worldwide market for buying everything from pizza to domain names. The software underlying the currency, which operates on a decentralized peer-to-peer network, is designed to ensure security – that it can’t be counterfeited – and to enable anonymity.

The currency has yet to reach mainstream, I’m not paying for my latte with my mobile bitcoins, but it is accepted as form of payment on The likes of WordPress and Wikipedia. Silicon Valley is also beginning to take notice, Bitcoin startup CoinLab last year secured $500,000 from venture capitalist Timothy Draper. In France, regulators have approved the first bitcoin exchange that will operate as a bank. Bitcoin is changing finance the same way the web is changing publishing, I might even start looking into it as a payment method on myflashtrash.com

Old Spice, Meet The Wolfdog


Old Spice’s latest commercial for its Wild Collection features a wolf dog as a marketing director. In addition to one of their usual viral edged videos they’ve accompanied this campaign with a Tumblr that looks like a xanga site I had when I was 9. Full of weird GIFs and a textured background.

 How have Wielden + Kennedy ( The firm behind the ads) created yet another succesful campaign? By creating another character like Isaiha that personifies the brand in a humourous ( * internet success key atribute) and ridiculous way, a character that directly engages with the audience responding to their questions with not only replies but videos! Not only that, the audience WANTS to engage and post messages back, appealing to everyone’s inner actor- in fact according to Visible Measures, “Old Spice Responses” is one of the fastest-growing online video campaigns of all time. Taking an Anchorman style production that people enjoy watching and quoting and taking that to the next level with social media and products? Now that, in wolfdog’s words, is a smart decision.

How Celebrity Changes Everything When You’re Running A Startup



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