Startup Spotlight: Quarterly



‘We spend so much of our lives connecting with people online that we forget the value of tangible interactions that happen in the real world.’

 Quarterly, an L.A. startup aims to bridge that gap by allowing anyone to subscribe to influential contributors and receive physical items in the mail from them. Set up by Zach Frechette the editor of GOOD magazine he said recently ‘I want to recapture the romance and impact of a well crafted package, but tie it into existing online communities in an organic way. We think there’s a hunger for analog experiences that complement digital ones, and Quarterly is poised to capitalize on that trend.’  

So what do you get if you sign up to recieve a package from say the founders of Cool Hunting or Pharell Williams? Well it could be a bag or in the words of Pharell ‘Whether it’s a book or something I just think is cool, every item I send has inspired me to feed my curiosity.’   

Subscription based models such as Glossy Box  and influencer led commerce sites such as Shoedazzle or the reward driven Prizeo are gaining huge traction, and I love Quarterly’s ability to add a physical element of surprise. We recently partnered with SheSaidBeauty on a 6 month #FreebieFriday promotion that enabled our customers to get a free beauty sample with their order. Customer’s loved the added extra and we loved facilitating an unexpected discovery.

The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.- O. Winfrey #amberattitudes

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