Post Easter Juice Detox



After an Easter Week full of chocolate  I was feeling perhaps slightly guilty ( ahem I ate my eggs early)  so I skyped a girlfriend in L.A. last night who in true Hollywood style said ‘Oh Easter! Yeah I’ll have a couple of mini eggs’    ( A COUPLE OF MINI EGGS?!) Me: Uhhh I need to get back in the game I have so much work to do! ‘Well listen’ she said, ‘I’ve got into the habit of doing a juice day once a week and it makes me feel on top form’, she continued, ‘my concentration is on point my digestive system is rocking. Seriously do it.’ OK I will do it! I said and yesterday gathered 3 recipes together to shove in my blender- full of determination, like I am a woman hear me roar, Im going to drink only juice for a day and kill emails!

Yes it was tricky, a test of willpower, but 3 juices and 4 cups of dandelion/ peppermint tea later and Im ready to go to bed, but also weirdly full of energy! Bright eyes, clear mind! Whilst pretty much everyone I know is doing the 5:2 diet I think I may take this once a week juice day offer…as long as I can have more than A COUPLE of mini eggs on the weekend. Happy Easter everyone! P.S. Readers you can get 15% off JEWELLERY @ MYFLASHTRASH.COM  tonight and tomorrow- enter EASTER at checkout 😉 xxx

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