What if brands made their slogans honest?



Transparency and honesty  have emerged as trends in brand building in the last year, with company’s like Everlanewho are creating greater traceability throughout the supply chain, gaining considerable traction. Instagram has provided a great platform for brands to convey that transparency through images of sketches, workshops and the offices and studios where the people behind the product work. Video uploads in tandem with this are consistently more apparent on my feed from brands, like DollMemories (a Russian apparel company), that uses the feature to show beautiful clips of their illustrator creating incredible drawings.  
As supply chains become more accessible to consumers, Instagram lead businesses are thriving as enterprising individuals capitalize on the network’s unprecedented commerce function.  I’ve seen overwhelming growth in individual jewellery brands who are curating product from wholesalers and branding it (If only I had that marketing tool back when I started My Flash Trash from my dorm room at school! Armed only with wordpress and facebook as a marketing platform) The creative process and manufacturing is getting honest, but what if brand’s slogans became honest too? My top picks from new site honestslogans

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